Male Surgery
Board Certified Plastic Surgeons Experienced Accredited Surgery Center
Male Cosmetic Surgery
The world of cosmetic surgery isn’t just for women. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in men opting for various surgical and non-surgical procedures to enhance their appearance, boost their self-confidence, and address age-related concerns. From better-looking skin to body contouring, male cosmetic surgery has expanded to offer a wide range of solutions tailored to the unique needs and desires of the male clientele.
Luckily, the latest techniques, like those employed at Renaissance Plastic Surgery, allow for natural results so that it will not be obvious that men may have had a procedure.
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons
All of our surgeons are Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Experience Matters
We have over 60+ years of practical cosmetic and plastic surgery experience serving patients just like you!
Qualified Staff
Our expert team of medical professionals is here to help you every step of the way through your journey.
Male Surgery Gallery
Why is Male Cosmetic Surgery Gaining Popularity?

Technological Advancements
Personal Confidence and Well-being
Influence of Media and Celebrity Culture
Competitive Edge in the Workplace
Customization and Specialization
Male Cosmetic Surgery Experts in Macon, GA
Popular Male Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

A facelift is an excellent way to take years off your appearance. When done properly, it is both dramatic and subtle, tightening the skin of the face and reducing lines and wrinkles.
Eyelid Surgery
Just like women, men frequently find that the upper eyelid begins to lose laxity and hang over the eye, sometimes so much that it impairs vision. This one issue can cause a man to look considerably older than his years. Eyelid surgery removes this excess skin so that there is no longer an overhanging lid.
This surgery is also capable of removing eye bags or sagging skin from the lower eyelid.
Brow Lift
Some men experience wrinkles in the forehead and/or drooping eyebrows. A brow lift (sometimes called a forehead lift) is an excellent way to correct these problems, creating a younger appearance in the forehead and eyebrow area.
Ear Surgery
Ear surgery is performed on men with protruding or misshapen ears. It can also correct injuries to the structure of the ear, make large ears smaller, and make the ears more symmetrical.
Nose Reshaping/Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping has long been a popular procedure with men. A broken, wide, crooked, or prominent nose can cause a loss of self-confidence. This surgery can make a big difference in a man’s appearance.
Nose Reshaping/Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty or nose reshaping has long been a popular procedure with men. A broken, wide, crooked, or prominent nose can cause a loss of self-confidence. This surgery can make a big difference in a man’s appearance.
Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)
Gynecomastia is a condition in which boys and men develop excess breast tissue. This can be very embarrassing, hindering a man’s social life and preventing him from removing his shirt even on the beach. Surgery to correct the condition may be limited to Liposuction or may require removal of breast tissue and possibly excess skin as well. This condition is sometimes covered by insurance.
Diet and exercise do not always address pockets of fat, particularly on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, waistline, and/or chin. Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which suction is used to remove the excess fat tissue to achieve a slimmer appearance in the treated area.
Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty
An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck provides a tighter, slimmer abdomen by removing excess skin and fat that has not responded to diet and exercise. Following significant weight loss, the abdominal wall will often require tightening with rows of buried, deep sutures to narrow the waistline.
Body Contouring After Massive Weight Loss
After bariatric surgery or significant weight loss, excess skin and pockets of fat often remain. Body contouring surgeries can include any or all of the surgeries on this page in order to reshape the body for a smoother, tighter, more pleasing appearance.
Wrapping Up: Male Cosmetic Surgery

Male cosmetic surgery has seen a marked rise in recent years, reflecting a transformative shift in societal norms and the desire for personal and professional enhancement. As traditional notions of masculinity evolve, more men are seeking procedures to align their outer appearance with their self-image. Advances in technology ensure natural, subtle outcomes and reduced recovery times, further boosting the appeal. Whether driven by career aspirations, personal confidence, or the influence of media and celebrity culture, the surge in male cosmetic procedures signifies a broader acceptance and a move towards individualized aesthetic aspirations. The growing range of treatments tailored explicitly to male needs further solidifies this trend’s staying power.
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons
All Our Providers are Board-Certified and State-Licensed Medical Professionals.
Experience Matters
All of Our Medical Providers Have Years of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Experience.
Comprehensive Care
Surgical and Non-Surgical Options. Plus an Accredited Surgery Center On-Site.
Qualified & Caring Staff
Our Staff Has Years of Experience Providing Plastic Surgery Care and is Ready to Serve You!